September 21st @ 7PMEST| Glenn Packiam “Critical Relationships for our Cultural Moment”

How do pastors and lay leaders sustain spiritual leadership such a hard moment in the history of the church? What type of relationships must be cultivated to keep going?

November 8th @ 3PMEST| Joash Thomas “Decolonizing the Church”

Join pastors, church planters, and lay leaders as the Mosaic Collective hosts a digital training with guest Joash Thomas

Christianity has not always been a primarily European religion and it was not always in collusion with imperial expansion. Let's talk about how to detangle Christianity and the American church from colonialistic tendencies to truly pursue the just way of Jesus

Joash Thomas is International Justice Mission Canada’s National Director of Mobilization & Advocacy. Born and raised in India, Joash has served with IJM teams in 3 countries over the past 8 years. Prior to joining IJM, Joash ran a political consulting and lobbying firm in the United States.

Joash has a master’s degree in Political Management from The George Washington University and is currently pursuing a dual master’s degree in Christian Leadership & Systematic Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. A sought-after speaker, Joash is frequently invited to teach about justice at churches & conferences across North America.

Based in the Greater Toronto Area, Joash leads a dynamic team that is building the Canadian movement to rescue millions and protect half a billion people from slavery & violence by 2030.

December 7th @ 7PMEST| Kaitlyn Schiess: “The ballot and the bible”

Join pastors, church planters, and lay leaders from around the country as we host author and podcast host Kaitlyn Schiess

Kaitlyn's content will be helping understand the cultural/political moment and how the gospel of Jesus can help bridge the divide in such a polarized time

Kaitlyn is an author, and a doctoral student at Duke Divinity School studying political theology, ethics, and biblical interpretation. She graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2021 with a ThM in systematic theology.

She is the author of The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor, released with InterVarsity Press in September 2020. The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go from Here, will be released with Brazos Press in August 2023. 

She has written about theology, politics, and culture at places like Christianity Today, The New York Times, Christ and Pop Culture, CT Women, RELEVANT, Sojourners, Fathom, and the Christian Research Journal